First day at school, and I was faces 3 different teacher
that I never meet before. They’re bu Ida who teach us how to used Indonesian well, 2nd bu Siwi who teach us how to
feel interested when we learn nationality education as we know PKN and give us
little bit advice about teenager sexualities yaps, because too much problem in
this 21 century although sex. I think bu
Siwi is already gettin’ care about her students. And the last teacher, bu yuli,
she is expert in mathmathics, an about statistic, trygonometri, or matric. Both
of them have a personals in comings different not as other teachers who teach
us in the center grader. Im not compare them but I just analyze themselves. Like
em, how far and how good enough they will teach us.
Dan sebenernya, setelah mereka berbicara selama kurang lebih
satu jam untuk sekedar cooling down the new circumstances, inti yang aku dapet
adalah,we must ready to face UN 2014… it’s hard, it’s hard and hard. 3 kali
ngomongin UN jadi semakin parno. Kali ini target nilai ga bisa meleset.
For sure, aku beneran was-was buat 8 bulan kedepan. Keep on
fight tek!
Dan kemarin sempet ke jogart sama rara, sahabat
terbaiiiiiiksedunia. Anak gaulnya condet tuh. Abis itu ke magnum café buat buka
puasa, ke chappy terus ke cheaper-cheaper ;;)
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